Motion Compensated Gangways

Motion Compensated Gangways

Motion Compensated Gangways Getting people from a ship to a wind turbine has been the main driver for the development of motion compensated gangways. These are access bridges that compensate for the motion of the vessel to keep the gangway in line with the wind...
Monopile Grippers

Monopile Grippers

Monopile Grippers Controllab offers digital twins for monopile grippers. The twins contain all the important equipment (rollerboxes, cylinders, 3D levers, arms etc.). The grippers can either be mounted on a jack up or on a DP crane vessel. The digital allows you to...
Testing a Steel Plant before it is built

Testing a Steel Plant before it is built

Testing a Steel Plant before it is built In the steel industry, new plants are becoming increasingly automated and complex. Controllab supplies simulators for the steel industry. These simulators are used to test plant operation and automation. They help the customer...
Game Based Training Simulator

Game Based Training Simulator

Game Based Training Simulators Training simulators are excellent for learning operators to work with complex equipment and in environments where safety is important. Controllab offers training simulators which the operator can play like a game. In the starting level,...