Cable Systems
At Controllab we are continuously doing research into novel techniques for modeling and simulation. In this video you see the simulation model of a ropeway. Ropeways are difficult to simulate because of the complex dynamics involved. One of our engineers, Jort Baarsma, has made a first attempt to model a ropeway. A start was made by representing the cable by segments of spring dampers and masses. The cable can be split into two segments when it contacts a tower, which is modeled by on flat and two inclined planes. Using the contact dynamics package that we have developed earlier, the cable is lead along the planes as it passes the tower. You can also see the contact dynamics into action when the top of the gondola (model as a sphere) passes the tower.
The model shows a first principle approach to modeling the complex interaction of cables contacting planes. We will uses this approach to develop code to facilitate this approach. This will allow convert CAD files into cable system models automatically including contacts with planes, pulleys and convex shapes.