by Christian | Jun 15, 2023 | Cases, Cranes, Gangways, High-Tech Systems, News, Offshore, Robotics, Training Simulators
COLLISION DETECTION Controllab has automated its workflow for collision detection. This video shows the results from our latest project for Tata Steel. In steel crane simulators there are a lot of objects that interact through collisions; crane hooks colliding with...
by Christian | Jun 12, 2023 | Cases, Cranes, Gangways, Offshore, Robotics, Training Simulators
Eagle-Access Training Simulator Client: EAGLE-ACCESS Eagle-Access B.V. is bringing an innovative crane to the market that transfers people offshore platforms. Controllab was asked to develop a training simulator for this machine. EAGLE-ACCES The Eagle-Access is an...
by Christian | Nov 3, 2022 | Cases, Offshore, Training Simulators
BLIT Simulator Client: van Oord Together with MSA-Service, Controllab has developed a training simulator for a “Boat Landing Installation Tool” (BLIT). The BLIT was developed by TMS for and together with van Oord and equipped with electronics and controls...
by Christian | Feb 1, 2022 | Blog, Cranes, High-Tech Systems, News
Tata Steel Digital Twin Last month Controllab completed the creation of a digital twin for Tata Steel’s LK25 crane. Below is a short video showing off a 3D animation we made of the twin. Our digital twins are simulation models that represent real machines with a high...
by Bas | Jun 21, 2021 | News, Pile Grippers
Motion Compensated Pile Grippers Controllab has carried out a simulation study for placing monopiles with a motion compensated pile gripper. It is based on a simulation model that includes the crane vessel, a crane, a monopile and a motion compensated pile gripper....
by Christian | Nov 20, 2020 | Electric Machinery, High-Tech Systems, News, Offshore
Battery Storage SimulatorControllab has been working on the control systems for battery storage containers for some time. The experiences that we have gained and the tools that we have developed have all come together now in our Battery Storage Simulator. Want to know...