Steel industry

Automating processes in steel production poses significant challenges and risks due to the potential consequences of programming errors. Ensuring safe and stable automation necessitates extensive and time-consuming testing of the involved equipment and machinery.

At Controllab, in collaboration with Steel Sim VR, we provide cutting-edge digital twin technology to revolutionize the development and testing of control systems for machines in the steel industry. Our digital twins not only enable thorough testing but also facilitate the creation of advanced training simulators.

Our digital model accurately replicates the real crane and integrates seamlessly with a backup PLC, using the same software as the actual crane. This innovative approach allows you to test new software in a realistic 3D environment before implementing it on the real equipment, significantly reducing risks and enhancing operational efficiency. Read more about how our innovative solutions can benefit your operations and take your steel production to the next level.

Training Simulators

At Controllab, we’ve developed technology that swiftly converts CAD drawings of machines into dynamic digital twin simulation models. Our expertise extends to creating precise simulation models for cranes, lifting equipment, ladles, and all other essential tools used in steel handling operations. These digital twins are integral to Steel Sim VR’s advanced simulators tailored for the steel industry.

A notable success story is Tata Steel’s Port Talbot steelworks, which utilized a Steel Sim VR simulator to train crane operators on a new charging crane set for installation a year later. The simulator, equipped with an authentic crane chair and a dummy crane cabin featuring multiple LCD screens, allowed operators to familiarize themselves with the new controls and behavior of the modern crane. This proactive training approach garnered positive feedback, significantly mitigating potential startup issues related to operator skills.

By leveraging our digital twin technology, the steel industry can enhance training efficiency, improve safety, and ensure seamless integration of new machinery.


Blast Furnace Steel Industry<br />

HIL Simulation

Our HIL (Hardware-in-the-Loop) simulator, a digital model, is a crucial asset for testing and fine-tuning new software in the steel industry. Specifically designed for initial software testing of cranes, it simplifies the complex process of understanding software rules and parameters, providing immediate visual feedback on any changes. This intuitive approach enables new software engineers to learn on the job, allowing them to experiment and make mistakes without severe repercussions.

At Controllab, we are experts in running these simulation models in real-time, seamlessly integrating our digital twins with control software. This capability allows our digital twins to operate as if they were the actual machines, making them ideal for developing and testing control software. Known as HIL simulation, this technology ensures that our digital twins provide a realistic, risk-free environment for software testing and operator training, significantly enhancing safety and efficiency in steel production.


Digital Twins in the Steel Industry

With our advanced digital twin technology, you can test virtually every aspect of machine operations, including scenarios that are too expensive or dangerous to replicate on real equipment. This comprehensive testing capability ensures higher quality and reliability in your processes.

Our training simulators provide a highly realistic experience, allowing for the adjustment of variables such as weather and other conditions. This flexibility bridges the gap between virtual and real-world training, offering a safe and cost-effective environment for trainees. By using our digital twin technology, trainees can practice repeatedly without the fear of real-world consequences—if a mistake is made, simply restart the simulation and try again. This reduces stress for the trainees and significantly cuts down training costs.

In summary, our digital twin technology not only enhances the quality and safety of software testing and operator training but also brings tangible cost savings and reduces operational risks.